National Small Business Week

September 15, 2021

It's National Small Business Week, the perfect opportunity for us to recognize the hard work and accomplishments of our state’s and nation's small business owners and leaders. More than half of Americans either own or work for a small business, and they create roughly 66% of jobs in our country each year.

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$16 Million for Special Education Services

August 6, 2021

This week, more than $16 million in Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief II (ESSER II) funds was made available to 170 school districts across Connecticut. This relief money will allow schools throughout our state to provide special education services to more than 80,000 students during the upcoming school year.

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Mask Update

August 5, 2021

The federal government updated its masking guidelines for fully vaccinated people last week. The new advice is to mask up indoors if you live in a place with "substantial" or "high" coronavirus transmission.

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Elder Justice Hotline

July 22, 2021

The State of Connecticut has created a one stop shop to help older people navigate state services, for everything from age-based discrimination to neglect issues.

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