Upcoming Community Events, Protecting SNAP Benefits and more

July 12, 2024

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Dear Neighbor,

A reminder to please attend the third annual Momma's Love Community Day, a health fair for the whole family tomorrow, July 13 from 2-6pm at Goffe Street Park! If you're interested, you can click here to RSVP.

The CT Department of Transportation announced a wrong way detection installation on the I-91 southbound Exit 8 off-ramp in New Haven from 7-11pm and Route 40 southbound Exit 1 off-ramp in North Haven on Wednesday, July 24 from 11pm-1am.

Those looking to get off Exit 8 will be advised to get off at Exit 7 and take I-91 northbound to Exit 8.

Those looking to get off Exit 1 will be advised to follow the detour signs to come back to Exit 1.

Wrong-way detection systems are a proven method of intercepting easily-preventable car accidents. Please drive slowly and respect the workers installing this lifesaving technology.

Come get the scoop on Baby Bonds! If your child was born on or after July 1, 2023, and their birth was covered by HUSKY, they are automatically enrolled in CT Baby Bonds.

On Saturday, August 3 from 10am-noon at 20 Mill Street, Fair Haven, hear from Treasurer Erick Russell at an ice cream social and informational session about this transformative program!


The Connecticut Department of Transportation (DOT) announced a high-visibility anti-speeding campaign aiming to increase awareness and promote safer driving behaviors with increased speed limit enforcement.

In 2022, Connecticut recorded 115 fatalities due to speeding and reckless driving. This is unacceptable.

The campaign will provide local and state police grants to increase enforcement and officer visibility on the roads.

Deaths from speeding and reckless driving are completely preventable, and through this campaign I believe we can save many lives.


I wanted to inform you about the changes to motor vehicle tax assessments adopted by the Connecticut General Assembly during the special session last month. Here’s what you can expect going forward.

In addition to the recent income and property tax cuts, this measure will result in lower taxes for the vast majority of vehicle owners and small businesses. These changes were a bipartisan effort to lower the tax burden on Connecticut residents.

Many car owners will see their assessments fall compared to the previous system. The average car will have an 8% lower assessment.

This reform was originally passed in 2022 in response to rising used car prices during the pandemic. It creates more predictability for future car assessments.

I hope this information helps clarify the recent changes and provides a better understanding of what to expect in the future.


I wanted to give you an update on a national problem that’s been impacting SNAP beneficiaries here in Connecticut. SNAP benefits by criminals steadily increased between 2023 and 2024 in Connecticut, but this month SNAP beneficiaries took action to change their PINS and protect their benefits.

Below is information from the Department of Social Serviced on changing your PIN number and how to pick a safe PIN:

  • Avoid simple PINs. Number combinations such as 1111, 1234 or 9876 may be easy for others to guess.
  • Keep your PIN and card number secret. Do not share your PIN or card number with anyone outside your household. Cover the keypad when you enter your PIN on a card reader.
  • Beware of phishing. DSS and EBT customer service will never call or text to ask for your PIN or card number.
  • Change your PIN often. Change your PIN at least once a month, especially right before your benefits are to be added to your card, by calling EBT Customer Service at 1-888-328-2666.
  • Check your EBT account regularly for unauthorized charges. If you see any, change your PIN right away to stop the thief from making new purchases.
  • To request a replacement of stolen SNAP benefits, please fill out the form at: https://dss-replacementbenefits.ct.gov/

Juan Candelaria
State Representative
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