Representative Raghib Allie-Brennan Advocates for Subcommittee on Domestic and Family Violence and Murder Sentencing

May 16, 2024

Dear Neighbor, 

I wanted to update you on an important step we are taking to address the critical issue of domestic and family violence murders in our state. Today, I stood before the Connecticut Sentencing Commission to advocate for creating a subcommittee to study sentencing and outcomes for these tragic cases.

Between 2000 and 2023, Connecticut experienced 336 incidents of intimate partner and family violence murders, with a heartbreaking 87% of the victims being women. On average, our state sees 14 intimate partner killings each year, and the brutality of these crimes has only intensified. Alarmingly, 40% of these murders involve firearms, while 60% involve knives, strangulation, blunt force trauma, or arson.

Despite assurances that perpetrators will face the fullest extent of the law, our current legal system often results in these violent offenders receiving significantly reduced sentences through plea bargains. In 2014, plea deals were accepted in 77% of intimate partner killings, and by 2016, all sentences were the result of plea deals. The average length of these sentences was 75% lower than those from jury convictions.

To address these shortcomings, Representative Steve Stafstrom and I have requested that the Connecticut Sentencing Commission establish a subcommittee to thoroughly examine various factors in these cases, including:

  • Methods and means of murder
  • Prior protective orders and history of abuse
  • Race and gender of the victim and defendant
  • Criminal charges and plea bargains
  • Prosecution processes and sentencing
  • Survivor or family satisfaction
This comprehensive analysis will provide the necessary data to inform and shape future legislation, ensuring better judicial outcomes for surviving families and reducing intimate partner and family violence murders.
The Sentencing Commission is pursuing our request, and we remain committed to advocating for justice and safety for all Connecticut residents.
As always, if you have any questions or if I can be of any assistance, please feel free to email me directly or call my office at (860) 240-8585.


Raghib Allie-Brennan
State Representative


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