Summary Of Major Legislation Passed

August 9, 2019

The 2019 legislative session was demanding as ever and I’m grateful my colleagues and I were able to pass a balanced state budget that helps workers and people on fixed incomes, encourages economic growth and makes critical investments for our state – and all without raising our income tax.

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2019 Legislative Accomplishments

July 31, 2019

As we wrapped up the last six months of work, one of the most talked about issues was the state budget, but equally important are many measures we passed that may be of interest.

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2019 Legislative Items

June 27, 2019

The General Assembly’s regular session ended June 5th with a balanced budget and other significant legislation. I’d like to highlight some of the issues we addressed in the new state budget and other impactful legislation.

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Debt-Free College for Connecticut Students

June 11, 2019

Connecticut has the third-highest accumulated student loan debt in the country and the financial burden that our college graduates must shoulder after growing up here is driving many of them to other states where housing and the cost of living is cheaper.

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