Scam Alert!

January 28, 2020

A fellow state representative received a voice mail message I wanted to share and warn you IS A SCAM! My colleague called the number for verification and was surprised at how smooth and professional they seemed on the phone. He was almost ready to offer his credit card information when he suspected it did not make sense.

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US Census Job Alert!

January 10, 2020

Just recently, the U.S. Census Bureau announced that it increased its hourly rate for census takers in Connecticut from $21.00 to $23.00 an hour! They are hiring for a variety of temporary jobs, including census takers, recruiting assistants, office staff, and supervisory staff.

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Bridgeport Events

December 13, 2019

Busy evening at various events across the city. I want to thank Make the Road CT and City of Bridgeport Government for meeting with State Representative Antonio Felipe and I to discuss ways we can help our immigrant community. I also had the opportunity to speak before the Bridgeport Census Complete Count Task force at their monthly meeting. As the Statewide Co-Chair we need to ensure that communities like Bridgeport reach hard to count areas.

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Mental Health During The Holiday Season

December 13, 2019

For many people, the holiday season is a joyous time spent with family, catching up with friends, and attending social gatherings. But for some, it is a time of year of increased depression, loneliness and sadness. That’s why it is important to seek help if needed and check up on those you know that may need some extra cheering.

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