Summer safety tips

July 4, 2018

With the heat wave that has hit the state and more hot days ahead, I wanted to take a moment to encourage you to take proper safety measures during this humid and hot period and throughout the summer season.

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CT's Clean Energy Future

May 8, 2018

My decision to support this bill was not easy. There are benefits that I considered and some provisions in the bill that move us backwards on our efforts to transition from fossil fuels to solar. However, this measure also promotes clean energy steps to get us where we want to go and that's important as well. Please take a look at my remarks on the House floor. SB 9 - An Act Concerning CT's Energy Future

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Holocaust Bill Passes the House

May 8, 2018

After an emotional discussion, I voted in favor of SB 452, An Act Concerning the Inclusion of Holocaust and Genocide Education and Awareness in the Social Studies Curriculum. History will repeat itself if young people fail to learn the horrors of the past. Here are my remarks on the House Floor:

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House Passes Pay Equity

April 24, 2018

The House of Representatives took a step toward closing the gender wage gap and ensuring women earn equal pay for equal work.

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Safe Havens Awareness

April 6, 2018

For most parents, the anticipated arrival of their infant children is a joyous and exciting time. But, unfortunately, there are also rare instances where infants have been abandoned, and sometimes left to die. I support a bill passed out of committee this session, HB 5446, which contains language that would require education about the law in public high school health curriculum.

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SB 415 Is Bad for Wallingford

March 29, 2018

I am actively fighting against a proposal that, if passed, would be detrimental to Wallingford’s wastewater upgrade plans.

SB 415, An Act Concerning Grants For Combined Sewer Projects, currently in the legislature’s Finance, Revenue & Bonding Committee, would take away millions of dollars in funding from various towns including Wallingford, Southington, Plainville and seven other towns if the Hartford area combined sewer overflows (CSOs) project grant funding is increased from 50% to 80%.

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Mushinsky Pushes For Agency Accountability

March 6, 2018

Advocating for more government transparency and accountability, I testified in support of three proposals before the legislature’s Government Administration and Elections Committee (GAE) that would restore governmental oversight.

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