Updates from February

February 15, 2019

Check out this month's e-blast updates covering an update on my proposed legislation, public hearings, my survey, and more!

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Updates from January

January 23, 2019

Check out my e-blast covering new advocacy video series, my first proposed bill, and how to get in touch with me! 

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Just Passed: Emergency Bill to Assist Federal Employees

January 22, 2019

For over a month, many federal employees have been reporting to work and performing their duties - without pay.
The government shutdown affects at least 1,500 Connecticut workers and they are struggling to pay their bills while they wait for their paychecks to resume. 

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Introducing a Bill to Combat Gun Violence

January 17, 2019

In Connecticut, gun violence ranks as the second leading cause of death to children and teens; alongside Senator Will Haskell, we have proposed a bill hoping to combat these numbers in the future.

This is a public health crisis. Connecticut ranks 5th in the country for having the lowest rate of gun deaths because we have been a leader on bold public policy. But, even one preventable death is too many. We must continue to take the lead in order to eliminate gun violence.

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