Sharp Rise in Energy Bills

August 19, 2024

In light of the increase in energy bills and the impact it has had on residents this summer, I have taken the step of submitting a motion to the Public Utilities Regulatory Authority (PURA) urging them to review the rate adjustment mechanisms for United Illuminating. The recent spike in energy bills has caused financial strain for many members of our community, and it is essential that PURA reconsiders its decisions in light of these unprecedented energy costs.

PURA has the power to reconsider and adjust its decisions when the situation warrants it, and the current circumstances certainly call for such action. I urge PURA to reopen the proceedings and postpone certain initiatives in order to thoroughly consider options such as amortization. By doing so, we can ease the financial burden on our communities. It is essential that we prioritize fairness and transparency for our residents, ensuring they are not hit with unexpected and overwhelming costs.