Husky Expansion for Teens & Naugatuck River Greenway Investment

August 6, 2024

The state has expanded HUSKY's insurance program for immigrant children. Please read below to learn what this change means for our kids.

A beautiful walking trail in Waterbury is about to get a major upgrade. Keep scrolling to learn how a major investment is going to bring some positive change to the Naugatuck River Greenway.

I was proud to give a tour of the House Chamber to a group of students who have excelled in and outside of the classroom. You will find pictures of their visit below.

You will find the following sections below:

  • Expanded Medical Coverage for Immigrants
  • Improvements Coming to Naugatuck River Greenway
  • Waterbury Students Visit State Capitol
Expanded Medical Coverage for Immigrants

I pledge to be your voice for the continued expansion of health care for everyone regardless of their immigration status. No one should be denied care, and our state is taking steps to ensure that more people, including children who were previous uninsured, are now getting the medical attention they deserve.

As of July 1, a state insurance program will cover children up to the age of 15 who wouldn’t otherwise qualify for Medicaid, which is known as HUSKY in Connecticut, because of their immigration status. The previous cutoff was 12 years old. I vow to fight to expand HUSKY to include children up to the age of 18 and beyond.

Improvements Coming to Naugatuck River Greenway
A huge trail that connects Waterbury to 10 other communities is getting a major boost. The federal government is providing $5.7 million dollars in grants to fully design approximately six miles of the Naugatuck River Greenway (NRG) Trail. The funds will also support the completion of plans for about six other miles that have advanced to design. A section of the trail in Waterbury will be constructed with federal funds from a different grant.
Development of the NRG Trail will rejuvenate historic downtowns, enhance recreational access to the Naugatuck River, promote sustainable transportation, boost tourism, stimulate economic development, address environmental justice issues, and improve the quality of life and health of residents, especially in underserved communities.  
A proactive public engagement process will be conducted to ensure that public and stakeholder input is considered during trail routing and design phases. To learn more about the NRG, please visit
Waterbury Students Visit State Capitol

It was a privilege to give a group of dedicated Waterbury scholars a tour of the Capitol where they learned about our government. I broke down the process of crafting a law, passing it through a committee, getting it on the House and Senate Floors, and eventually passing it into law through the governor’s office.

The students who were in the House Chamber are part of a wonderful group called the Young Representatives of Waterbury. It is dedicated to empowering Latino students, helping them find their voice, and creating positive change. It was clear the group on this tour was curious about what it takes to be a good legislator and how to improve Waterbury.

The Young Representatives of Waterbury program will continue to support these kids by helping them build a strong network, providing new opportunities to grow, and navigating the path to college. We believe in equipping them with the tools to pursue their dreams passionately.