Latino Advocacy Day At The Capitol

March 19, 2019

We had another successful Latino Advocacy Day at the State Capitol – the sixth so far! My thanks to the Hispanic Federation, State and Federal Elected Officials and everyone that attended and had a hand in making this event so great. If you could not attend this year we look forward to seeing you next year!

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Raising The Minimum Wage

March 5, 2019

One of our legislative priorities for this session is to put in place a plan to increase the minimum wage in order to help give those working a 40-hour week the opportunity to make a living wage. To this end, we proposed House Bill #5004, An Act Increasing the Minimum Wage that aims to provide more economic security to Connecticut families. The Senate has also proposed an identical Senate Bill #2

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Protecting Domestic Workers

February 22, 2019

I testified in the Labor Committee in support of a bill I introduced to expand labor law protections to domestic workers that comprise a significant amount of the workforce in “informal” employment; these employees are among the most vulnerable. 

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Emergency Bill to Assist Federal Employees

January 23, 2019

For over a month, many federal employees have been reporting to work and performing their duties - without pay. The government shutdown affects at least 1,500 Connecticut workers and they are struggling to pay their bills while they wait for their paychecks to resume.

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