TCI - Roundtable Discussion

April 23, 2021

My colleague, State Representative Gary Turco and I will be co-hosting a panel discussion on the Transportation and Climate Initiative Program (TCI): Separating Fact from Fiction. I hope you will join us in a conversation with the Commissioner of DEEP and Deputy Commissioner of DOT on April 29th at 6pm via zoom.

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Restaurant Revitalization Fund

April 22, 2021

The Small Business Administration (SBA) has released details on the application and eligibility requirements for the $28.6 billion Restaurant Revitalization Fund (RRF). The funding – included in the American Rescue Plan and run by the SBA – will assist the hardest-hit restaurants with the funds they need to meet payroll, purchase COVID-related supplies, and recover industry jobs lost during the pandemic.

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ARP Funding coming to Wethersfield

April 5, 2021

The American Rescue Plan Act (ARP) which was signed into law, includes direct relief to states, counties, cities, and towns as well as public utilities, libraries, and transit agencies. The State Office of Fiscal Analysis predicts Wethersfield will receive $7,611,936.

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Office Hours

March 31, 2021

I am hosting office hours each month to give my Wethersfield constituents, the opportunity to chat with me and share what’s important to them.

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Equal Pay Day 2021

March 24, 2021

Today is Equal Pay Day—a day that marks the point at which it takes a woman on average to earn what her male counterpart did the year before. In 2020, a woman in Connecticut earned only $0.83 for every dollar that a white, non-Hispanic man made.

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