How to Testify at a Public Hearing

February 4, 2022

Due to the ongoing pandemic, public hearings will be virtual for the 2022 session. Virtual hearings give residents the opportunity to have their voices heard without traveling to Hartford.

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February is Black History Month

February 3, 2022

We celebrate the achievements, accomplishments and contributions Black Americans have made to this country, of which there are many, each February during National Black History Month.

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February Virtual Office Hours

January 25, 2022

As I prepare for our 2022 legislative session, I am giving my constituents as many opportunities as possible to share their priorities, concerns or ideas with me. Please join me next Monday, February 7th, for virtual office hours!

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Meet Joy-My Intern

January 21, 2022

Welcome Joy Lee! Joy is a student at Capitol Community College and will be interning for me on Mondays and Wednesdays during the upcoming session.

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Cat and Dog Goods Donation

January 14, 2022

I am hosting a Cat and Dog Goods Donation Event the weekend of January 15th through 17 in honor of the late, great Betty White, actor and animal activist.

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Children's Mental Health Forum

January 7, 2022

Join State Representative Gary Turco (Newington) and me for a virtual conversation on January 13th at 7pm with experts about the resources available to help children with mental health issues along with recommendations to help parents.

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New Laws 2022

December 29, 2021

A number of new laws will take effect in Connecticut at the start of the new year. My colleagues and I worked hard during the 2021 legislative session to listen to your concerns and advocate for meaningful change in our state. We look forward to getting back to the Capitol soon to continue in those efforts.

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